We believe that the Bible is the infallible and inerrant Word of God.  It is our supreme authority and source of guidance.

2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Proverbs 30:5; Romans 16:25-26


We believe in the Trinity, the deity and supreme authority of God the Father, the deity and humanity of Jesus, and the deity and empowering work of the Holy Spirit.

1 John 5:7; Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17, 28:19; Luke 1:35; Isaiah 9:6; Hebrews 3:7-11


We believe that humankind was created in God’s image and thus all men and women possess great dignity. We also believe that this image was “effaced” by sin, but not destroyed, and that humankind, now spiritually dead, is in need of restoration.

Genesis 1:26-31, 3:1-7; Romans 5:12-21


We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ: His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts.

Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:16, 3:8; Titus 3:5; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 16:31; Hebrews 9:2


The Universal Church is comprised of all true believers in Christ who have been reborn in Him and thus adopted into God’s family.  The Local Church is a worshiping body which seeks to keep Christ’s ordinances and fulfill His mission to be a light for the lost and hope for the hopeless.

Ephesians 1:22, 2:19-22; Hebrews 12:23; John 17:11, 20-23


Spiritual gifts are given to followers of Christ for the building up of the church, not for the enjoyment or the enrichment of the individual members possessing them. The gifts are for serving the church, they are not signs of spirituality, nor are certain gifts necessary signs of the work of the Holy Spirit.  Although not equally conspicuous, all gifts are important.  The Holy Spirit apportions the various gifts to whom and as He wills.  No gift may be demanded of God to give, and no person may impart a spiritual gift to another person --- spiritual gifts are the prerogative of Christ.

Hebrews 2:4; Romans 1:11, 12 :4-8; Ephesians 4:16; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6-7; 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, 14:1-40;  


We practice believer’s baptism by total immersion, in keeping with the pattern and practice of the first century church. We do not practice infant baptisms, but do offer infant and children’s dedication services. We observe the Lord’s Supper monthly as a symbolic meal reminding us of Jesus’ broken body and blood shed for us.

Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-25, Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12, 36-38; 10:47-48


We place a high value on unity and seek to maintain our own internal unity.  We see this as essential to our effective fulfilling of Jesus’ purposes for us and maintaining our witness in our community.  We also work cooperatively with other like-minded Bible-believing churches, knowing that we can accomplish more together than apart.

2 Corinthians 8-9; Galatians 1:6-10; Ephesians 4:1-16; Philippians 1:15-18


We believe that everything that we have is a gift which has been entrusted to our care by God.  Thus, we practice tithing, cheerful and sacrificial giving, and generosity to the poor.  As a body, we seek to live within our means, yet give beyond our comfort zone.

Leviticus 27:30; 1 Corinthians 16:2


We are deeply committed to both the global work of Christ abroad and the local work of ministry partners here at home.  We have a history of partnering closely, supporting ministries generously, and getting directly involved in the works we support.

Acts 1:8Mark 16:15


God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end.  According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised, and Christ will judge all men in righteousness.  The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment.  The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord.

Matthew 24:30, 26:63-64; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8; Revelation 1:7