Make A Difference
Knowing God is a defined moment. Finding freedom is a process. Discovering your purpose is the aim. Making a difference is about living beyond yourself which is only possible when you serve an extraordinary God.
It begins with knowing God followed by submitting to the process of finding freedom and moving forward with discovering your purpose.
What is a calling?
A call is when God leads, draws, or impresses upon you to do a specific task for Him. The task can be a life-long service to God in a specific area, sometimes reflected in our vocation,, but many times, it is outside our vocation. In the Bible, Moses was called to deliver the Israelites out of slavery. Ruth was called to come alongside her mother-n-law.
Some of the people of South Shore have felt called by God to do things like becoming a guardian, volunteering at Alta Vista Elementary school, going on a missions trip or becoming a community life group leader.
How to recognize a calling?
A calling can come in a specific time and place like the apostle Paul, but for most of us, it is a process. It involves continuing a lifestyle that incorporates the first three values, and out of that God implants in us the invitation to make a difference. Lean into those impressions by asking others to pray and take whatever necessary steps are needed to move you towards fulfilling your calling, such as stepping up to volunteer, filling out paperwork, taking that class, or making that phone call.
Making a difference is centered on a cause. Our cause is to serve the One who saved us and focus on what He wants us to focus on. This is not about climbing Mount Everest or writing a best-seller. It is about doing something that makes an eternal impact.
"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus -- the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God, " Acts 20:24, NLT.
We would like to help you make a difference. For more information contact:
Connections Director, Alex Frey
(941) 362-3142